Oct 262011
For those who haven’t noticed, I finally got around to implementing a long-needed blog feature: the ability to subscribe to posts via e-mail.
I did away with the (pointless) clock widget on the upper right and replaced it with a new Subscribe widget, which now includes links for E-Mail and Facebook as well as RSS. Because the notifications are actually handled by Feedburner, I also made some revisions to the feed format – rather than an arbitrarily cutoff excerpt it’ll now show the exact same preview as on the main page of this site (i.e. before you click “Continue Reading”).
Please let me know how it goes! 🙂
I use Feedburner subscriptions for many sites that I maintain as well. It is awesome if you release multiple posts in a day it will aggregate them all into one email to the subscriber. The down side is, (especially if you only release one post a day) the emailed notifications from Feedburner are not instantaneous.
@Allyn: Yeah, I’d definitely prefer instantaneous – but I tried a few plugins and this seemed like a much better/quicker way to get things up and running. Plus, since it allows you to export subscriber lists to CSV I can always change to something else later on…
You had a clock widget…? 😛
Nice. I’m going to subscribe (not that i need reminders to come back here). Thanks for the great work and great plugins.
Nice…and wow! Talk about a familiar-looking blog, hahaha…you been a reader for awhile? 😉
Jay’s does look like a copy of this site. But I don’t have much room to talk. I used inspiration from this site to set up The Shears website, an indie-pop band in Austin, TX for which my brother plays the drums. If you can’t beat ’em, join em! Thanks for the inspiration, and getting me into Suffusion J!
Nice! Here’s another I was made aware of awhile back: http://www.aemgee.com/
…And this one, which belongs to good friend of mine (who you already know if you’ve been reading ;)): http://www.herbert-siojo.com
I should just start insisting on “inspired by” links to give me a little pagerank bump, haha 😛
how do i subscribe?
“Subscribe” widget on the top right of the page 😛