Blog Entries

date | comments

Showing 1-18 of 18 entries:
2008/06/02  in  Israel:  Back in the Old City (4)
2008/05/11  in  Israel:  Independence Day (1)
2008/05/11  in  Israel:  Nationalism (3)
2008/05/10  in  Israel:  Quick Update: Heading to Egypt (1)
2008/05/08  in  Israel:  Serious Holidays (1)
2008/05/07  in  Israel:  Traveling Programmer Reunion (2)
2008/05/07  in  Israel:  Tel Aviv (2)
2008/05/06  in  Israel:  Lost Tribe of Israel? (1)
2008/05/06  in  Israel:  Birthright 6: Biking with Soldiers (2)
2008/05/06  in  Israel:  Birthright 5: Sad Goodbyes (2)
2008/05/06  in  Israel:  Birthright 4: Masada, Dead Sea, Jaffa, Beach, COFFEE! (2)
2008/05/05  in  Israel:  Birthright 3: A Long Day in the Desert (7)
2008/05/05  in  Israel:  Birthright 2: A Narrow Escape (7)
2008/05/04  in  Israel:  Birthright 1: Opinions (1)
2008/05/03  in  Israel:  Hosteling (4)
2008/05/01  in  Israel:  Back From Jordan (9)
2008/04/25  in  Israel:  Quick Update: Birthright Extended (3)
2008/04/16  in  Israel:  Quick Update: Safe in Israel (4)
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