Dec 052011

Hey all,

As it’s now been nearly six weeks since my last post (which was already quite far behind), I thought I’d give just a quick realtime update. Nope, I haven’t forgotten about this blog – as usual, after a period of intense travel I’ve just ended up under a pile of catchup work and am now doing my best to dig my way out 😛

Since the last post I’ve spent two frenzied weeks partying at Kazantip, gotten an apartment in central Kiev, lived nearly a month in a small town in central Serbia, and passed briefly through Bulgaria on my way to meet Peder in Vietnam. Once that country was covered I found myself settling down back here in Bangkok, where I’ve now been living since just before Halloween.

So while I still can’t promise how soon the blog catchup will start, rest assured that it’s far from forgotten – it’s just taken a backseat to some of my other more pressing commitments.

…Oh, and one more thing: I recently upgraded a ton of this site’s software, so as always, please keep your eyes peeled for anything that might be misbehaving 🙂

  7 Responses to “Alive In Bangkok”

  1. Nyze! So glad to read an update and to hear you are far from giving up on blogging! At least I had time to catch up on most of your travels logged here by reading the archives…Can’t wait to read about/see Kaz. and Serbia and more flood pics. All the best…

  2. Looking forward to hearing about Serbia!

  3. Cool – looking forward to the details and photos/videos.
    Bangkok is a great place – have they recovered from the flooding?

  4. Hurry up and update 🙂

  5. Looking forward to meeting you in Bangkok! 🙂 i will be there from 20th -24th Jan.2012 as planned.

  6. I think I’ve read a few posts just like this one…on your blog too 😛

  7. @Allyn / Sam: Yep…but probably not half as much as I’m looking forward to being caught up on writing! 😉

    @Steve: Hard to tell. The floods never hit the very center where I’m living, I actually traveled into the outskirts specifically to check things out. I think it’ll be a long time before things are *fully* recovered though, considering how much got destroyed – for example, one of my friends is still stuck in Malaysia because his company’s factory up north was completely decimated.

    @andrewstrauss: You first 😛

    @Julia: I just hope I’m still here…!

    @El Pedro: Yeah, well, like I always say: too many demands from too many different directions, just can’t keep up with ’em all! 😛

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