Sep 032010

In my post from Timişoara, I mentioned that there was one more reason why Peder and I wished we had a bit more time in Romania. I also quietly omitted this same sentiment from the Romania Observations post, as well as from the one written in Chişinău.


Well, because it refers to something I’ve mentioned several times already, which I’ve tried to stop mentioning, and which – now that I’m back home finalizing these posts after having fully experienced each country from Serbia to Sweden – I can finally put to rest once and for all:

Eastern Europe quite simply has the most blindingly gorgeous women I’ve encountered anywhere in the world, ever.

I almost hate to keep saying it, lest I sound like a broken record – or overly shallow. But in this instance, I just can’t help it – because I wouldn’t be painting a complete picture of our trip if I didn’t. In fact, it was such an extreme observation that I felt it deserved its own post.

So here it is.

Throughout the planning phase, I’d been told by nearly everyone I spoke with – male and female, young and old – at least something to the effect of “Watch out for the women, you won’t believe your eyes.” The very first result for a Google Images search of “Odesa, Ukraine” gives insight to its reputation, as does the fact that one of Belgrade’s main hangouts has been more or less named after a defining characteristic of its women. Even my guidebook made frequent mention – in nearly every country’s chapter – of this unexpected but immediately obvious feature.

So now that I’m home, in retrospect, where was the peak? Surprisingly, Romania and Moldova. Several of Peder’s friends had actually ‘warned’ him that he’d be surprised at the beauty of the Romanian women, but even after my recent weeks in Budapest, Belgrade, and Bosnia, I truly had no idea what lie ahead – not until I stepped off the train in Timişoara. Even on the platform itself, we looked around, looked at each other, and almost immediately commented, “What’s going on here? Is there a model convention in town?”

Several days and three cities later it had evolved to “Is this really planet Earth? Honestly, what are these people eating?? Did they just somehow win the grand prize in the genetic lottery or what?”

Absolutely flawless women somehow seemed to occupy every street corner, every cafe, every restaurant, and in fact, everywhere you look. Many of them were dressed to the teeth, though this was more a feature of Ukraine than anywhere else. And perhaps more noteworthy than anything was that in Romania and Moldova, the male-female ratio just seems to be mysteriously off – something to the tune of 30% men to 70% women, of which 50% could legitimately be described as stunning.

Anyway, I think you get the point, so lest I ramble too much I’ll leave you with just two brief thoughts before putting this topic to bed for the remainder of the trip:

1) In 2008, Peder and I were surprised by Morro de Sao Paolo. Later that year, we were surprised by Isreal. And years earlier, I was surprised by the 109 building in Tokyo. But never in our lives have either of us – a guy from California and another from Scandinavia – seen anything quite like this. Not in any of the 43 countries I’ve now visited, nor in the 50+ he has. And yes, that does include Sweden.

2) “I think I’d blow a fuse if I stayed here much longer. If I have to be tossed in the loony bin when I get home, you’ll know why.”*

*I jotted this line down when Peder said it while we were roaming around Chişinău. Obviously we’re both home now, and still (relatively) sane. But I thought it was still amusing enough to post : )

  9 Responses to “Perfect Tens”

  1. awesome summary, thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey Kareem…glad to see ur reading…hehe I was actually gonna point u in the direction of that post specifically (and one or two others on Odesa), but I see I don’t have to! 🙂

  3. lacking in pictures!!!

  4. There are some things you just have to see for yourself to truly appreciate 😉

  5. Romanian man here. You’re welcome 😀

  6. LOL! Thank you 🙂

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