Mar 082012

Before I move on from Kazantip, there’s just one important thing I forgot to mention: is NOT the real Kazantip. The festival has not moved to Portugal, and there are no plans to ever hold it anywhere but in Ukraine. Don’t let yourself be fooled. is in fact nothing more than a shameless attempt by a Swiss “businessman” named Roland Stach to profit off of someone else’s work. In previous years he’s limited his scams to selling outrageously overpriced accommodations or tickets on flights that don’t exist, but in response to the real Kazantip government’s warnings, in 2012 he’s taking it a step farther. Posting photos from the actual event, he’s now trying to launch his own copycat festival in Portugal.

The real Kazantip website is (or in English). The real Facebook group is here (not here), and you can read more about the scam here or here.

So if you plan to attend in 2012…I’ll see you in Popovka, not in Portugal πŸ˜›

  47 Responses to “Beware The FAKE Kazantip”

  1. Yeah, heard about that. Outrageous!

    • What sucks is that I really think a lot of people are falling for it. Could you imagine flying all the way to Portugal only to realize it’s a scam?

    • Well, when I first googled for Kazantip I *was* a bit fooled. I was wondering whether the festival had really moved and what the hell was going on. So I can truly belive less enlightened people really will be fooled and that this douchebag will profit on someone else’s concept.

    • It just seems like there’d be *some* way to get that site taken down or at least cause him problems with the Portuguese/Swiss government. I mean aren’t there some sort of international laws against scams like that? At the very least I’d probably contact loads of news agencies to spread the word that Portugal is not Kazantip. Considering the size of the original, it’s surprising that such a knockoff could be so convincing (i.e. 1st google result, etc).

    • Spreading bad propaganda would probably be good for him. More people would hear about it. Nikita should simply rent some hackers and mess up his site every day πŸ˜€

    • Haha that’s actually exactly what I was thinking πŸ˜‰ Once a day replace it with a page that says “My name is Roland Stach, I’m a scammer who’s trying to fool people into thinking Kazantip has been moved to Portugal. It hasn’t! But if you want to experience the real thing….” πŸ˜›

    • Plen’y of h4ck3Π―z in Russia that would gladly undertake that task πŸ˜€

    • And yet…they haven’t!

  2. some people are real scum

  3. I think you should just be disappointed in yourselves for not even attempting to hack the site, tisk tisk tisk πŸ™‚

    Looking forward to your next post….whenever that may be…. I can’t believe I am actually caught up! Just in time for you to stop blogging… lol

    • What makes you think I’m about to stop blogging? The next post would be…tomorrow! πŸ˜€

      Damn, I wish I were caught up too :'(

  4. Maybe supporters of the real KaZantip let this guy continue to try and scam/steal visitors because they don’t want it growing even larger? I went to the scam site too and immediately (well pretty quickly) realized it was “afaik”.

    • That’s definitely not why. Not only has Kazantip been trying to spread its word farther throughout Europe these last few years, but Nikita himself has given several extremely strongly-worded interviews condemning the ripoff and warning people to avoid it. I just think they’re not well organized enough to actually take legal action, etc πŸ˜›

  5. oh yay! I guess you are just going to blog more summarized/condensed?

    When are you going to enable the “like” feature? I was hoping to add one to other people’s comments πŸ˜‰

    • Well, I’m still finding my style as I work on catching up. Some of the tourist-heavy days have come out almost entirely photo-based, but others still read exactly like before. I guess the biggest difference is just that I’m omitting a lot more. You wouldn’t know it as you read, so I guess to you guys it should “feel” about like it did, but I’m i.e. cutting a bunch of personal anecdotes or “observations” that would take too long to write πŸ™‚

    • And regarding “like”: it’s one of about 75 things still on my ToDo list for this site, dunno when I’ll get to it though. At least I finally got threaded comments! πŸ˜‰

    • *like* *smiley face*

    • I actually looked into this today. Likes are url-based, so while I *could* implement them per-comment I’ll probably just do so per-post. That’s what most blogs do anyway, and makes a lot more sense from a “share” perspective, too.

  6. i also fall in that fake festival, have made a set and everything… i add no reply from kazantip 5portugal) but friend how dident even made a set where choose to go play at there…
    is a big joke

  7. I also got chosen to dj there, already booked my flight and am off next week…
    I’m quiet sure the festival is real but I knew from the beginning it’s nothing compared with the real deal…
    I’ll be at “The Republic” next year , but i’m gonna enjoy my trip for sure this year!

    And if mr Stach wants to make his “Kazantip” or whatever festival work and make money he probably won’t be so stupid to rip everyone off the first time….
    otherwise the news will spread very fast…..
    (also had a lot of mails and confirmations)

    But hey, I’ll let you know 31th juli If was able to get back home πŸ™‚

    • Whether or not he happens to put on a good festival is completely besides the point. It’s clear that he’s stolen someone else’s name and reputation and is trying to profit off of it himself. How would you feel if you spent 20 years building and growing something like Kazantip only to have some guy come along and make up another festival with the EXACT same name, post photos and videos taken at YOUR festival when advertising his own, and then reap all the profits from people he tricked into thinking they’re going to the original? No matter how good the party turns out, if I were a DJ and I knew that, I’d never even consider going. Out of principle.

      He’s clearly not just trying to start a new festival; he’s trying to steal one that already exists.

    • I completely agree with you, Justin. The only way to fight off people like him is to stand down out of principle. Just like you should not buy stolen goods as it encourages more burglary. Perhaps they even made Kazantip smaller this year *because* of the fake one, since it’s stealing real customers. If all the DJs stood down, there would be no festival and the real Kazantip would win πŸ˜‰

    • That’s actually not the reason it was shortened – they apparently wanted to condense the activity so they could focus more on making the core better (previously there was a noticeable lull around the center – after all, a month is a LONG time to party!). But otherwise…yep, agreed! πŸ˜‰

  8. Funktion One system is already there, installed and everything… So I think at least something will happen in terms of sound, eheh.

    • Again, that’s completely besides the point. If someone wants to start an awesome new festival, more power to them – just don’t try to steal someone else’s.

  9. u kazantip portugal bashers have not fucking idea what is really going on! hahaha
    u only repeat rumours and stupid words you hear from the orga in ukraine who is a
    really mindless person. besides that, as a western european, u are only there to bring
    some more cash. u can believe: you are NOT welcome in ukraine!

    get your brain working and read what this guy is saying about YOU!

    let loVe ruLe::cheers

    • Um…what? What exactly is incorrect about my post? The fact that the Ukrainian Kazantip has existed for 20 years and is never planned to be moved to Portugal? Or the fact that somebody has created a new festival just this year, given it an identical name, and advertised it by posting photos of the completely unrelated original Kazantip?

      I’ve been to Ukraine 3X now, and Western Europe probably 20X. I have no idea what you’re talking about. My post simply says: someone from Western Europe is trying to steal the Kazantip idea and profit off of it. This is not heresay or rumors, it’s obvious truth. Just look at – all of his photos were taken at past UKRAINIAN Kazantips, not in Portugal as he tries to imply. If somebody from Portugal truly wants to start a new festival from scratch, just name it something different. Otherwise, it’s *obvious* theft.

  10. Just published on the website:

    kaZantip Festival 2012 is closed

    Alqueva, 23th July – based on a license fault from the responsible Authority the kaZantip Festival has no permission to sell tickets or food and therefore been forced to close down. for the reimbursement of your booking or ticket contact

    This was to be expected I guess. I read on FB that some friends of mine just arrived in Portugal and found out about this just now. Feel real sorry for them and anyone else who got fooled

  11. ” If somebody from Portugal truly wants to start a new festival from scratch, just name it something different. Otherwise, it’s *obvious* theft.”

    NOBODY from Portugal wants to steal Kazantip!

    Roland Stach is from Switzerland… the country fraud

  12. So this is what happened πŸ™‚

    after 3 days of festival, only 2 stages where on, amazing location , 500 people on staff and 100 people who payed entance, our swiss friend try to run off with the cash that was left.
    Security cought him, he s in jail now…
    So the some of the staff and guests went crazy because of all the work they put in it, and started a riot, trashing everything, figths started, security started stealing stuff , some people lighted an appartement building on fire, so we had to run out…
    Took a taxi to a nearby town slept in a park and are now all just having a vacation….

    I really feel sorry for all of the staff who where nice people who did a hell of a job setting this beautifull thing up, and i don t regret going there…
    hope the staff gets this thing going again (different name than) on theyΒ΄re own or maybe next year…

    Nice story for my lifebook πŸ™‚

  13. I was in the lineup for playing in August as DJ, and I was looking very carefully to know as much details as I could, but found strange the lack of information on the site, I think despite the copy os the name the real problem was the missing attendees, so this swiss Roland Stach went panic and screw thing up. I really don’t understand how Nikita ( who claims the ownership of the all scene) didn’t registed the name Kazantip, it’s to much naif for me to understand…

  14. I spent 1300 usd on my plane ticket to Portugal. Now I gotta figure out how to get a plane ticket from Portugal to Ukraine and get a hotel room, etc. Can anyone help me get to KaZantip Ukraine?

    • Just look for a good festival in europe, when do you fly over?

      Plenty places to go here….. and you get to see Europe @ the same time…..

  15. David you’ll need a lot of money to get to the Ukrainian…you know that?

    you did not understand immediately that it was a fake festival?… for god sake

  16. Roland Stach
    8704 Herrliberg
    00041 44 915 44 88

    Roland Stach
    Bahnhof 14
    CH-6340 Baar SUIZA, CH

    Projectcorner Roland Stach
    Bahnhof 14
    6340 Baar ZG
    Natel: 079 744 66 88

    kaZantip GmbH
    Roland Stach (
    Fax: +41.417667922
    Zugerstrasse 76b
    Baar, ZUG 6340

    Domaininhaber: Stach Roland
    Adresse: Bahnhof 14
    PLZ: 6340
    Ort: Baar
    Land: CH

    Sergej Litvinowskiy Holitzberg 292 D-22417 Hamburg ALEMANIA, DE

  17. The kaZantip festival closed the doors yesterday 24-07-2012 ! It was not based on a license fault, we have the licenses we need (proved by the authority) and a strong Portuguese organization that was fighting, until the end, to provided you the best conditions for a successful festival.
    The Portuguese team really regrets what happened. Like you guys, we are very disappointed and disgusted with everything Rolland and Sergej ( ‘ heads ‘ ) did to us.
    Yet, we are still trying to solve our situation.

    • Are these your words or someone wrote this to you and your pasting it here? If so, how can i get in contact with that person or any of the staff?

    • this was the mail i received from the organisation….

      if a company goes bankrupt , nobody gets they’re money back….

      So just enjoy you’re trip…..

      tip: look for a nice hostel

  18. How do we get our money back?

  19. Has anyone been in contact with roland sach, or is he still in jail? Are you guys gona sue?

  20. thanks. Libson is a nice place to visit with nice raves and clubs. Still expensive compared to the tent I was gonna sleep in at the fake KaZantip. But I could spent extra to fly to a nearby festival in Sweden or still go to Ukraine. How can it be so expensive to go to Ukraine from Portugal? I still have to make a stop somehwere in europe before I go to Ukraine, right?

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