I’ve already been to Belgrade. Of all the unexplored cities and countries in this part of the world, why would I choose to come here – a bustling capital renowned for its nightlife? Surely this isn’t the right place to come and be productive?
No, it isn’t. But I do have a reason.
Foamfest, the biggest foam party in the world 😀
52 DJs. 18,000 fans. 200,000 hectolitres of foam. Although I am still ages behind on everything, how could I pass up an opportunity like this – especially considering I was a mere $80 flight away at the exact right time of year!
So after sleeping the whole way from Sweden, I landed at Nikola Tesla airport just before midnight. I took a prearranged WizzAir taxi to the hostel, knocked out, woke up early, and started rallying the troops.
(Aside: Spirit Hostel in Belgrade is now right up there at the top of my “all-time favorites” list. It’s a bit pricey, but easily one of the cleanest, most well-maintained and well-equipped hostels I’ve ever been to. With free breakfast, a fantastic English-speaking staff, and even your own bathrobe…it wouldn’t be fair to rate it anything but A+).
Anyway, so how was FoamFest?
Just so-so. I’d go again, but only if I were already in Serbia. Maybe it would’ve been better if I’d been with my regular crew, or maybe I’m just spoiled after the craziness of Kazantip. In any case, I am still glad I came.
Other than FoamFest I spent a total of five days in Belgrade. It really is an amazingly vibrant city – I just love how there are people out and about during all hours of the day. And contrary to my memory from last summer, the English is actually quite good. I guess perception makes a huge difference when you’re coming from the East rather than West 😛
I was also a bit surprised to find just how well I knew the city. There are a few of places in the world where I consider myself particularly familiar – Los Angeles, San Diego, Kyoto, Osaka, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bangkok, Melaka, …
…ok, so I guess there are more than a few 😛 But I never thought Belgrade was one of them.
In fact just during my five days there I saw not one but four people I knew: a guy working at the tourist information office, a girl at the MTS cellphone shop, the hairstylist where Peder had gotten his haircut, and Jeca, a friend I specifically came to visit. All of them remembered me.
How nice.
Anyway, while I do actually have a full five days of blog notes, this is going to be one of those times when, in favor of being efficient, I’ll cut it off here.
Next up: A quiet town to catch up on work. For real this time! 😆
Note: These posts are behind realtime; the above took place during the first week of September, 2011.
Sounds like great fun. Cool you managed to find Miki and go out for drinks. He’s an awesome guy.
On a side note, that girl high in photo 4, doesn’t she remind you a lot about that sketchy chick that tried to drag you into a dark park in Arcadia?
Oh wow, totally! I think it’s probably just the outfit that’s so familiar tho 😉
Could be, cause the outfit is identical. And it’s hard to see the face. But still, my warning bells rang immediately!
I didn’t even notice. Good eye, as usual
“and Jeca, a friend I specifically came to visit.”
And I’m glad ya came 🙂
Hehe…so you DO read my posts! 😉
Nah why would I 😛 OF COURSE that I read your posts! 😀
Haha well…ya so rarely comment how would I know! 😛
Haha like ya don’t know me… In 98%-99% cases I don’t comment… Okay I would lie if I would say that I’ve been read all of ’em but about Serbia I always do 😀 I’ve also read about Israel, few about Egypt & Jordan. Now ya know lol
That guy in the third pic looks kinda pissed….hehe
Glad you had a good time
That was actually a guy from my hostel – I’m the one who told him about the event and invited him to come. The photo probably just caught him off guard 😛
So what made the foam fest not a huge hit?
I dunno, I guess just a combo of things. I’m sure if I’d gone with my usual crew it would’ve been better, but I don’t remember the music being all that great, I think I was a little too drunk, and – oh yeah – the guy/girl ratio was awful 😛