May 152013

Now that I’d experienced Cambodia’s cities and jungles, with just a few days until Songkran – my deadline for getting back to Bangkok – all that was missing was a tropical, white-sanded beach.

Last stop: Sihanoukville.

Note: These posts are behind realtime; the above took place in April, 2012.

  12 Responses to “Tropical Paradise”

  1. Now this place looks AWESOME!

  2. Hi!
    Greta photos. I’m going to otres beach tomorrow. What was the place that you stay?

  3. Great shot with the salamander 😀

  4. Wow… that is indeed breath-taking. I so could go there right now!

  5. Seems like In Indonesia :D, love the beach anyway.

  6. Very nice 😉

  7. Love white-sanded beach, always.

  8. hi

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