As I’m sure you’re well aware, I’ve been really struggling lately with how to keep blogging manageable. Now that I’m traveling more or less full-time, plus running my plugin business, maintaining US Radar’s core software, and of course keeping up with daily life – fitness, social, etc – there simply aren’t enough hours in a day. So rather than continue to complain while I fall farther and farther behind, I’ve come up with a more concrete solution I’d like to try out.
The thing is, it’s really the writing and proofreading that takes so much time – I’ve already got thousands of photos I could share, but my format of “a column of photos on the left, a narrative on the right” requires that I produce and arrange enough text to fill the space beside each and every one.
So instead, I’m going to try out a more typical gallery-style approach: grids of photos, perhaps split up with little blurbs but documented primarily by captions. Of course this will result in far less detail – I won’t be describing every little encounter or thought – but I’m hoping it’ll prove sufficiently less labor-intensive to allow me to catch up. And stay caught up. Or at least, stay closer to caught up than I’ve been in the past 😛
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