When I set out by bike early this morning, I never thought I’d make it back in time – but apparently the odds were with me today, as I finished my long ride with just 30 minutes to spare before the evening show of “PPS.”
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Although Angkor Wat is Cambodia’s obvious “crown jewels,” the area around Battambang does have some noteworthy temples of its own. So with a mountain bike already in-hand and an extra day to kill, another long-distance ride seemed like the obvious way to go 🙂
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My stop in Battambang was just a quick one: four days on the way to Phnom Penh, to run a few errands and hit its “must-see” attractions…
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When I first crossed the border from Thailand to Cambodia, I had no idea I’d be in Siem Reap for so long. I’d laid out a big itinerary that would take me to the far corners of the country, and assumed that SR would be just the first stop of many. But alas, my backlog of work took much longer than expected, and time was now running short. With huge summer plans on the horizon, if I was going to hit even the essentials of Cambodia I had to get moving…
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Oops! While going through my photos of Life in Siem Reap, I somehow completely overlooked the one and only “event” during my stay: a big street parade showing off huge paper-mache puppets, constructed by hundreds of children from local schools, orphanages, and NGOs.
Here are a few quick pics before I move on to Battambang 🙂
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