Wow. I must say, it feels pretty weird to be DONE with college. While I still have plenty of things to take care of in the next couple of weeks, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have any immediate deadlines – whether they were for work, school, or whatever. And it feels pretty damn good. Continue reading »
While I feel like it’s pretty much impossible to convey just how much I hate ECE, I think that a couple of pictures might be about as good as I can do. Every few hours, I go downstairs to get a bite to eat, usually discovering one of my roomates doing something fun like designing and building his own longboard:
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Somehow this pre-finals week of a semester filled with electrical engineering classes (which I can’t stand) has actually turned out REALLY awesome. Not only did I end up getting a GREAT deal on a new laptop, but I somehow managed to sell mine on ebay – not for my minimum asking price, not for my “that would be nice” price, but for my “there’s no WAY I’ll get that price, but I’ll set Buy It Now way up there just in case” price. Sweeet. Looks like I won’t be waiting 6 hours for my old laptop to compile all of my video-adventures in Japan after all!
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Posted a ton more pictures today. I’ve been debating how far back to go with my albums, but a friend pointed out that I had virtually no “college life” pictures up, so I decided to go back a bit farther and add some of those (I’ve been really lazy with the camera this year)… Continue reading »
I just found out that i was accepted to Kansai Gaidai in Japan!! This is good news, because for those of you who don’t know, i’m planning to study abroad there in January and i already bought airline tickets for December 26th. So if i’d been rejected, i would’ve been “stuck” in Kyoto without anywhere to study.