Mar 242012

Alright, so after all that uncertainty, Halloween in Bangkok actually turned out to be pretty fun 😉 Still not quite up to par with our two epic years in Japan, but I can imagine that if even half of the parties hadn’t been canceled and more of my friends were in town, it might’ve just come close.

You probably already know that Peder and I love to dress up. From the shields and swords at Brazilian Carnaval to the tophats and bowties at Suma, we always strive to be the memorable life of the party. So when Halloween rolls around, it’s the perfect chance to take things one level higher.

This year, I suggested we dress up as babies. “Not Halloween enough!” he exclaimed. So we made them into zombie babies.

They were a smashing success. For the next week we found ourselves all over the club and event websites, and for as long as a month I had people coming up out of nowhere. “Hey, were you dressed as a baby for Halloween??” “Why yes, yes I was.”

For us, this year’s holiday consisted of three different nights: Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (the 31st).

On Saturday we joined my friends Evan and Damien with a group they knew at RCA.

Although Japan’s pre-Halloween weekends had always been 100% “costumed,” here we were surprised to find almost nobody dressed up at all. Just a tiny handful of people.

And as our costumes were by far the most outrageous, you can imagine that we got just a little bit of attention 😛

For our second night we decided to try KhaoSan, the “backpacker ghetto” of Bangkok.

Because all the official Sunday night parties had been canceled (due to the floods), we figured that a traveler-oriented place would not only be the most “weekday proof,” but would be most likely to host an event for this foreign-origin holiday.

There were a few more costumes than RCA, but not many. Still, the night was even more fun.

We probably met 200 people, as we could barely walk a foot without someone running up for a photo, inviting us to join their table, or asking to tag along. I can only imagine how annoying it would be for a Hollywood celebrity to experience this every day of their life – but for one night out, it was loads of fun.

The third night, actual Halloween, was undeniably the gem of this year. It took place at Bed Supperclub, one of Bangkok’s most posh, expensive, and longstanding nightclubs. Bed is known for putting on a show, and tonight was certainly no exception.

Not only were the staff all dressed up, but they’d actually hired professional Hollywood-grade artists and designers. I’m talking full body makeup, color contacts, the works. It was very, very impressive.

Plus, virtually every guest – both foreign and Thai – seemed to join in, and many of their “amateur” costumes were incredibly well put together.

We stayed here until it closed, then wrapped up the holiday at the city’s (current) top afterhours spot, Mixx.

All in all not a bad run, considering how things were looking just a few days before 🙂

Note: These posts are behind realtime; the above took place in October, 2011.

  6 Responses to “Bangkok Babies”

  1. I still think those costumes are pretty odd……bloody diapers….hehe

  2. Fun times indeed! 😀

    The weirder = the more attention = the better 😉

  3. I liked the touch of the umbilical cords.

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